Mining & Dust control
HIMOLOC technology allows us to develop specific polymers for mining and dust control offering advantages compared to the usual technologies on the market.
With the clear main objective of offering highly effective and environmentally sustainable products, Derypol has several ranges of products used in the Mining and Dust Control sector. These polymers offer a profitable, differential and effective solution for those processes where the solid / liquid separation operation is essential such as Concentration, Leaching, Flotation, Filtration, Clarification / Decantation, etc. We also have special polymers for the pelletization of some minerals, as well as exclusive polymers for dust control operations, whether in mining or any other sector.
Himoloc Technology allows us to develop specific polymers for these applications offering many advantages compared to the usual ones on the market and standing out for the ease of application, use of specific monomers to adapt to most of the system conditions (pH, conductivity, hardness, temperature, etc. ) and of course, for being the most sustainable with the environment.